
Silver Dollar Dreams

How will Alex ever earn his orange belt in karate? With a lot of practice—and some dreaming too.

By Nan Marino
From the May/June 2020 Issue

Learning Objective: Students will understand how and why a character changes by the end of this realistic story about a boy who learns that the first step in reaching your goals is believing in yourself. 

Lexiles: 500L-600L
Guided Reading Level: N
DRA Level: 28
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a series of short, snapping sounds

martial arts

fighting or self-defense styles that use hands and feet


an injury to a ligament


not able to feel anything


to search fully


to move your lips as if you are talking without making a sound

Think and Read: How a Character Changes

As you read, think about how Alex changes throughout the story.

My Grandpa Nick says that everyone needs a dream. He says dreams give you a reason to keep trying. Then he asks me about my dreams and tells me that being 10 is no excuse for not having any.

I have two. The first is a big one—to find the treasure that my great-uncle Jimmy lost. Grandpa helps me with that one. It seems that Uncle Jimmy buried a bag of money and seven silver spoons, and then forgot where he put them. Before Uncle Jimmy passed away, he whispered to Grandpa that he thought it was all hidden in an alleyway in my New York City neighborhood.

Grandpa and I scour the streets for it every chance we get. Last week we searched near a candy store. I came home with a bag of gummy bears, chocolate bars, and a monster stomachache. But no treasure.

Since Grandpa Nick knows all about my first dream, I tell him about the second—I want to earn my orange belt in karate. “It’s not really much of a dream,” I say. “It’s not like a buried treasure dream.” A buried treasure dream is a really big dream, like finding Uncle Jimmy’s spoons and money.

Or going for a black belt.

Kyle Stone

A Little Dream

A black belt is the highest rank in martial arts. An orange belt means you’re no longer a beginner, but it also means you have far to go. Since I’ve been studying for two years now, I should have been an orange belt a long time ago. It’s hardly a dream at all.

Grandpa disagrees. “Wanting an orange belt is nothing to be ashamed of, Alex. Not all dreams are big buried treasure dreams.” Grandpa Nick rests his hand on his cane. “What you’ve got is a good, little dream that’s within reach. That’s what I call a silver dollar dream. Nothing wrong with that.”

What I didn’t tell Grandpa was that I had more of a chance of finding Uncle Jimmy’s treasure and the ghost of Uncle Jimmy himself than I had of reaching my silver dollar dream.

Everyone who goes for an orange belt has to break a board. The scariest part? It has to be done bare-handed. Boards are hard and solid. Even the thought of hitting one makes my fingers numb.

“Your punches and kicks are good,” Grandpa Nick says. “Remember, there’s nothing wrong with a little dream. Have enough of them, and they can turn into something big.” Grandpa reaches into his pocket and tosses me a coin. “A silver dollar for your silver dollar dream.”

The Big Test

That Tuesday, Mom drops me off at the karate school. I bow at the door before I step into the room. I say hello to Sensei Foster—sensei means teacher in Japanese. Then I search for my friend Jocelyn.

I find her in the corner, practicing her kicks and punches. “Are you going for your orange belt?” she asks. “The test is tomorrow.”

I shrug.

“All you have to do is break a board. Sensei says you’re ready.”

I shrug again.

“The secret is to pretend the board isn’t there. That’s what I do,” Jocelyn whispers.

Pretend the board isn’t there? That’s like trying to pretend that Superman is a wimp. Some things can’t be done.

Before I can ask Jocelyn any questions, Sensei Foster tells us it’s time to practice board-breaking. One by one, the students face Sensei Foster. I listen to the sound that each board makes when it breaks. Sometimes it’s a sharp, quick snap. Other times it’s a long crackle, like someone poured milk onto a giant bowl of Rice Krispies.

Sensei calls my name. He holds the board firm. “Focus. Don’t aim at it. Aim through it. See past it.”

But all I can see is the board in front of me, and all I can think about are the many things that are made from wood.

Sturdy things.

Hard things.

Like baseball bats.

And chairs.



Hard-to-break things.

I close my eyes. And I hit the board.

A sharp sting runs through my hand. The board stays solid and whole. I try to hide my pain.

Jocelyn mouths the words “try again.” And Sensei Foster says the same thing out loud.

Instead, I bow to show that I’m done. “There’s another test in a few weeks,” Sensei Foster says as he pats my shoulder. “I hope you’ll try again.”

Kyle Stone

A Bad Fall

When I reach my apartment, Mom is sitting in the kitchen. Grandpa, who is usually in the living room waiting for me, is not around.

“I have some bad news,” she says. “Grandpa Nick fell today. Your dad is with him at the hospital.”

I reach for the silver dollar in my pocket and hold it tight. “Is he OK?”

Mom nods. “Bad sprain. It’s going to take him a while to recover.”

Later that night, Grandpa comes home. Instead of his cane, he uses a squeaky metal walker.

For the next few weeks, Grandpa doesn’t leave our apartment. There are no trips to get candy. No searching the streets for Uncle Jimmy’s treasure.

“When is he going to be off that thing?” I ask my dad one morning, pointing to the walker.

“His leg is probably healed enough for him to be off it now,” says Dad. “But he’s worried about falling again. This is hard for him.”

I hate the squeak. And how Grandpa Nick never once asks about my dreams. I miss the old Grandpa.

Kyle Stone

What's the Difference?

After school, I go to Jocelyn’s house. She helps me with my punches, and I pretend that pillows are boards.

“If only I could take a pillow-bashing test, I’d have that orange belt for sure,” I say as we walk to karate class.

“Pillow. Board. What’s the difference?” asks Jocelyn.

What is the difference? I wonder. I remember what Grandpa said—my punches and kicks are good. Suddenly, I realize that I already have what it takes. “I will break it,” I whisper.

Later that afternoon, I rush home. The first thing I do is ask Grandpa about his dreams.

When he tells me he’s not sure, I tell him that being 75 is a poor excuse for not having any dreams. And I bring him his cane and hand him back his silver dollar.

“Take one step with your cane,” I say. “It’s what I call a silver dollar dream. Remember, there’s nothing wrong with a little dream. Have enough of them, and they can turn into something big.”

Then I take the broken board from my knapsack and add, “Wait till I tell you what happened in karate class today.”

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Watch This

This Korean team displays an impressive mastery of Tae Kwon Do, a form of martial arts from Korea. Watch from 12:52 to 15:52 to see awe-inspiring board breaking.

Teach This

Encourage students to reflect on their own dreams and goals with these hands-on activities from Scholastic Teachers based on the book Dream: A Tale of Wonder, Wisdom, and Wishes by Susan V. Bosak.

Read This

Did you know that there’s actually a lot of physics involved in karate? This article from HowStuffWorks explains the science behind this martial art.

Learn More

Karate is just one kind of martial art. Read about other martial arts from this Wonderopolis article.

More About the Article

Content-Area Connections

Social-emotional learning: Self-awareness (accurate self-perception, recognizing strengths, self-confidence); self-management (self-motivation, goal setting); relationship skills (communication)

Key Skills

How a character changes, character, key details, making inferences, figurative language, cause and effect, text features, theme, narrative writing

Step-by-Step Lesson Plan


Set a Purpose for Reading (10 minutes)

  • Ask students to look at pages 16 and 17. Direct their attention to the title, subtitle, and illustration. What are Alex and his grandfather doing in the picture? How do students think that dreaming will help Alex earn his orange belt in karate? Have them revisit their predictions after they finish the story.
  • Have students share any information they already know about karate. Explain that karate is a martial art that started in Japan. Students study karate with a teacher called a sensei (sen-say) and practice a series of karate movements while wearing a uniform.

Introduce Vocabulary (15 minutes)

  • We have highlighted in bold six vocabulary terms that may be unfamiliar to students and defined them on the page.
  • Preview these words by projecting or distributing our Vocabulary Skill Builder. You may also play our Vocabulary Slideshow.
  • Highlighted words: scour, martial arts, numb, crackle, mouths, sprain

Set a Purpose for Reading (5 minutes)

  • Call on volunteers to read aloud the Think and Read and Think and Write boxes on pages 16 and 21. These prompts and the Skill Builders support the story’s featured skill, how a character changes.
  • Remind students to look for details as they read that describe how Alex changes throughout the story.


Reading and Unpacking the Text

  • First Read: Read the story as a class. Have students identify story details and vocabulary they don’t understand. Help them pronounce sensei on page 19.
  • Use the Pause and Think Questions to check comprehension.
  • Second Read: Distribute the Close-Reading and Critical-Thinking Question. Ask students to read the story again and answer the question.

Close-Reading Questions (30 minutes) 

  • Read the first section. What do you learn about Alex’s relationship with his grandfather? (character) You learn that Alex and his grandfather are very close. They spend time together hunting for Uncle Jimmy’s treasure and talking.
  • Read “A Little Dream.”  Why doesn’t Alex think he can ever achieve his silver dollar dream? (key details) To get an orange belt in karate, Alex has to break a board with his bare hands. He doesn’t believe he can do it.
  • Why does Grandpa Nick tell Alex “Remember, there’s nothing wrong with a little dream. Have enough of them, and they can turn into something big”? (making inferences) Grandpa Nick is teaching Alex that having little dreams, or goals, is important too. Smaller goals are like steps that help you reach your bigger goal.
  • Read “The Big Test.” Explain what Alex means when he says “Pretend the board isn’t there? That’s like trying to pretend that Superman is a wimp.” (figurative language) Alex is saying that trying to pretend that the wooden board doesn’t exist is like pretending that Superman is weak. He is showing how impossible he thinks Jocelyn’s suggestion is.
  • What happens to Alex when his teacher holds up the wooden board in front of him? (cause and effect) His fearful thoughts about hitting the board keep him from following his teacher’s instruction to focus. Instead, he closes his eyes, hits the board, and hurts his hand.
  • Read “A Bad Fall.” Why does Alex reach for the coin in his pocket when he hears about Grandpa Nick’s fall? (making inferences) The silver dollar is a gift from Grandpa Nick. Alex reaches for it because it reminds him of his grandfather and their connection. He holds it tightly because he feels worried.
  • How does the picture of Grandpa Nick on page 19 help you better understand this part of the story? (text features) The picture shows Grandpa Nick sitting in a chair with his metal walker by his side. He looks worried and unhappy. This illustration helps readers imagine how he probably feels after his fall.
  • Read “What’s the Difference?” Why does Alex say “Suddenly, I realize that I already have what it takes”? How will this realization help him achieve his silver dollar dream? (theme) Alex finally understands that he has the skills needed to break the board. To achieve his dream of getting an orange belt, he first has to believe in himself and his abilities.

Critical-Thinking Question (10 minutes)

  • Near the end of the story, Alex tells Grandpa Nick: “Remember, there’s nothing wrong with a little dream. Have enough of them, and they can turn into something big.” Why does Alex repeat his grandfather’s words from the beginning of the story? (theme) Alex is trying to help his grandfather overcome his fear of falling again by encouraging him to use his cane to take a step. By repeating his grandfather’s words, Alex shows that he’s learned the importance of believing in yourself and your ability to succeed. And that success can begin with one small action.


How a Character Changes

  • Distribute our How a Character Changes Skill Builder. Ask students to complete it in small groups.
  • Discuss the writing assignment in the Think and Write box with students. Students can complete their journal entries in class or as homework.

Differentiate and Customize
For Independent Readers

Ask students to reread the story and look for details that describe Alex’s “silver dollar dream” and what he changed about himself to achieve it. Have students write a short paragraph about their own silver dollar dreams. What steps will they take to achieve them? Students can share their paragraphs in small groups.

For Struggling Readers

Read the story aloud while students follow along in their magazines. Ask them to underline details that describe Alex’s “buried treasure dream” and his “silver dollar dream.” How does Alex feel about his silver dollar dream at the beginning and at the end of the story? Why do you think his feelings change?

For 2nd-Grade Students

Read aloud the first paragraph of  the right column on page 18 with the group. Ask students to identify the adjectives and the noun each modifies. (Sentence 1: orange, belt; Sentence 2: scariest, part; Sentence 4: hard, solid, boards; Sentence 5: numb, fingers)

For Advanced Readers

Ask students to reread the story and look for details that describe Alex and Grandpa Nick’s relationship. Have them write a letter from Grandpa to a friend describing how Alex helped him recover from his fall. Students can share their letters in small groups.

Silver Dollar Dreams

How will Alex ever earn his orange belt in karate? With a lot of practiceand some dreaming too.

By Nan Marino
From the May/June 2020 Issue

Learning Objective: Students will understand how and why a character changes by the end of this realistic story about a boy who learns that the first step in reaching your goals is believing in yourself. 

Lexiles: 500L-600L
Guided Reading Level: N
DRA Level: 28

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Think and Read: How a Character Changes

As you read, think about how Alex changes throughout the story.

My Grandpa Nick says that everyone needs a dream. He says dreams give you a reason to keep trying. Then he asks me about my dreams and tells me that being 10 is no excuse for not having any.

I have two. The first is a big oneto find the treasure that my great-uncle Jimmy lost. Grandpa helps me with that one. It seems that Uncle Jimmy buried a bag of money and seven silver spoons, and then forgot where he put them. Before Uncle Jimmy passed away, he whispered to Grandpa that he thought it was all hidden in an alleyway in my New York City neighborhood.

Grandpa and I scour the streets for it every chance we get. Last week we searched near a candy store. I came home with a bag of gummy bears, chocolate bars, and a monster stomachache. But no treasure.

Since Grandpa Nick knows all about my first dream, I tell him about the secondI want to earn my orange belt in karate. “It’s not really much of a dream,” I say. “It’s not like a buried treasure dream.” A buried treasure dream is a really big dream, like finding Uncle Jimmy’s spoons and money.

Or going for a black belt.

enlargeable illustration of a girl and shocked young boy wearing karate uniforms

Kyle Stone

A Little Dream

A black belt is the highest rank in martial arts. An orange belt means you’re no longer a beginner, but it also means you have far to go. Since I’ve been studying for two years now, I should have been an orange belt a long time ago. It’s hardly a dream at all.

Grandpa disagrees. “Wanting an orange belt is nothing to be ashamed of, Alex. Not all dreams are big buried treasure dreams.” Grandpa Nick rests his hand on his cane. “What you’ve got is a good, little dream that’s within reach. That’s what I call a silver dollar dream. Nothing wrong with that.”

What I didn’t tell Grandpa was that I had more of a chance of finding Uncle Jimmy’s treasure and the ghost of Uncle Jimmy himself than I had of reaching my silver dollar dream.

Everyone who goes for an orange belt has to break a board. The scariest part? It has to be done bare-handed. Boards are hard and solid. Even the thought of hitting one makes my fingers numb.

Your punches and kicks are good,” Grandpa Nick says. “Remember, there’s nothing wrong with a little dream. Have enough of them, and they can turn into something big.” Grandpa reaches into his pocket and tosses me a coin. “A silver dollar for your silver dollar dream.”

The Big Test

That Tuesday, Mom drops me off at the karate school. I bow at the door before I step into the room. I say hello to Sensei Fostersensei means teacher in Japanese. Then I search for my friend Jocelyn.

I find her in the corner, practicing her kicks and punches. “Are you going for your orange belt?” she asks. “The test is tomorrow.”

I shrug.

All you have to do is break a board. Sensei says you’re ready.”

I shrug again.

The secret is to pretend the board isn’t there. That’s what I do,” Jocelyn whispers.

Pretend the board isn’t there? That’s like trying to pretend that Superman is a wimp. Some things can’t be done.

Before I can ask Jocelyn any questions, Sensei Foster tells us it’s time to practice board-breaking. One by one, the students face Sensei Foster. I listen to the sound that each board makes when it breaks. Sometimes it’s a sharp, quick snap. Other times it’s a long crackle, like someone poured milk onto a giant bowl of Rice Krispies.

Sensei calls my name. He holds the board firm. “Focus. Don’t aim at it. Aim through it. See past it.”

But all I can see is the board in front of me, and all I can think about are the many things that are made from wood.

Sturdy things.

Hard things.

Like baseball bats.

And chairs.



Hard-to-break things.

I close my eyes. And I hit the board.

A sharp sting runs through my hand. The board stays solid and whole. I try to hide my pain.

Jocelyn mouths the wordstry again.” And Sensei Foster says the same thing out loud.

Instead, I bow to show that I’m done. “There’s another test in a few weeks,” Sensei Foster says as he pats my shoulder. “I hope you’ll try again.”

enlargeable illustration of an old man in a chair looking out his window

Kyle Stone

A Bad Fall

When I reach my apartment, Mom is sitting in the kitchen. Grandpa, who is usually in the living room waiting for me, is not around.

I have some bad news,” she says. “Grandpa Nick fell today. Your dad is with him at the hospital.”

I reach for the silver dollar in my pocket and hold it tight. “Is he OK?”

Mom nods. “Bad sprain. It’s going to take him a while to recover.”

Later that night, Grandpa comes home. Instead of his cane, he uses a squeaky metal walker.

For the next few weeks, Grandpa doesn’t leave our apartment. There are no trips to get candy. No searching the streets for Uncle Jimmy’s treasure.

When is he going to be off that thing?” I ask my dad one morning, pointing to the walker.

His leg is probably healed enough for him to be off it now,” says Dad. “But he’s worried about falling again. This is hard for him.”

I hate the squeak. And how Grandpa Nick never once asks about my dreams. I miss the old Grandpa.

enlargeable illustration of an old man in a chair smiling while a young boy looks in his bag

Kyle Stone

What's the Difference?

After school, I go to Jocelyn’s house. She helps me with my punches, and I pretend that pillows are boards.

If only I could take a pillow-bashing test, I’d have that orange belt for sure,” I say as we walk to karate class.

Pillow. Board. What’s the difference?” asks Jocelyn.

What is the difference? I wonder. I remember what Grandpa saidmy punches and kicks are good. Suddenly, I realize that I already have what it takes. “I will break it,” I whisper.

Later that afternoon, I rush home. The first thing I do is ask Grandpa about his dreams.

When he tells me he’s not sure, I tell him that being 75 is a poor excuse for not having any dreams. And I bring him his cane and hand him back his silver dollar.

Take one step with your cane,” I say. “It’s what I call a silver dollar dream. Remember, there’s nothing wrong with a little dream. Have enough of them, and they can turn into something big.”

Then I take the broken board from my knapsack and add, “Wait till I tell you what happened in karate class today.”

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<p>Our interactive vocabulary slideshows help unlock challenging vocabulary words with great visual and audio support.</p>

Vocabulary Slideshow: Silver Dollar Dreams

Vocabulary Slideshow: Silver Dollar Dreams

Our interactive vocabulary slideshows help unlock challenging vocabulary words with great visual and audio support.


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Fiction: Silver Dollar Dreams

May/June 2020
May/June 2020
Fiction: Silver Dollar Dreams
Story Read Aloud: Magazine Version
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Can't Miss Teaching Extras
Watch This

This Korean team displays an impressive mastery of Tae Kwon Do, a form of martial arts from Korea. Watch from 12:52 to 15:52 to see awe-inspiring board breaking.

Teach This

Encourage students to reflect on their own dreams and goals with these hands-on activities from Scholastic Teachers based on the book Dream: A Tale of Wonder, Wisdom, and Wishes by Susan V. Bosak.

Read This

Did you know that there’s actually a lot of physics involved in karate? This article from HowStuffWorks explains the science behind this martial art.

Learn More

Karate is just one kind of martial art. Read about other martial arts from this Wonderopolis article.

More About the Article

Content-Area Connections

Social-emotional learning: Self-awareness (accurate self-perception, recognizing strengths, self-confidence); self-management (self-motivation, goal setting); relationship skills (communication)

Key Skills

How a character changes, character, key details, making inferences, figurative language, cause and effect, text features, theme, narrative writing

Step-by-Step Lesson Plan


Set a Purpose for Reading (10 minutes)

  • Ask students to look at pages 16 and 17. Direct their attention to the title, subtitle, and illustration. What are Alex and his grandfather doing in the picture? How do students think that dreaming will help Alex earn his orange belt in karate? Have them revisit their predictions after they finish the story.
  • Have students share any information they already know about karate. Explain that karate is a martial art that started in Japan. Students study karate with a teacher called a sensei (sen-say) and practice a series of karate movements while wearing a uniform.

Introduce Vocabulary (15 minutes)

  • We have highlighted in bold six vocabulary terms that may be unfamiliar to students and defined them on the page.
  • Preview these words by projecting or distributing our Vocabulary Skill Builder. You may also play our Vocabulary Slideshow.
  • Highlighted words: scour, martial arts, numb, crackle, mouths, sprain

Set a Purpose for Reading (5 minutes)

  • Call on volunteers to read aloud the Think and Read and Think and Write boxes on pages 16 and 21. These prompts and the Skill Builders support the story’s featured skill, how a character changes.
  • Remind students to look for details as they read that describe how Alex changes throughout the story.


Reading and Unpacking the Text

  • First Read: Read the story as a class. Have students identify story details and vocabulary they don’t understand. Help them pronounce sensei on page 19.
  • Use the Pause and Think Questions to check comprehension.
  • Second Read: Distribute the Close-Reading and Critical-Thinking Question. Ask students to read the story again and answer the question.

Close-Reading Questions (30 minutes) 

  • Read the first section. What do you learn about Alex’s relationship with his grandfather? (character) You learn that Alex and his grandfather are very close. They spend time together hunting for Uncle Jimmy’s treasure and talking.
  • Read “A Little Dream.”  Why doesn’t Alex think he can ever achieve his silver dollar dream? (key details) To get an orange belt in karate, Alex has to break a board with his bare hands. He doesn’t believe he can do it.
  • Why does Grandpa Nick tell Alex “Remember, there’s nothing wrong with a little dream. Have enough of them, and they can turn into something big”? (making inferences) Grandpa Nick is teaching Alex that having little dreams, or goals, is important too. Smaller goals are like steps that help you reach your bigger goal.
  • Read “The Big Test.” Explain what Alex means when he says “Pretend the board isn’t there? That’s like trying to pretend that Superman is a wimp.” (figurative language) Alex is saying that trying to pretend that the wooden board doesn’t exist is like pretending that Superman is weak. He is showing how impossible he thinks Jocelyn’s suggestion is.
  • What happens to Alex when his teacher holds up the wooden board in front of him? (cause and effect) His fearful thoughts about hitting the board keep him from following his teacher’s instruction to focus. Instead, he closes his eyes, hits the board, and hurts his hand.
  • Read “A Bad Fall.” Why does Alex reach for the coin in his pocket when he hears about Grandpa Nick’s fall? (making inferences) The silver dollar is a gift from Grandpa Nick. Alex reaches for it because it reminds him of his grandfather and their connection. He holds it tightly because he feels worried.
  • How does the picture of Grandpa Nick on page 19 help you better understand this part of the story? (text features) The picture shows Grandpa Nick sitting in a chair with his metal walker by his side. He looks worried and unhappy. This illustration helps readers imagine how he probably feels after his fall.
  • Read “What’s the Difference?” Why does Alex say “Suddenly, I realize that I already have what it takes”? How will this realization help him achieve his silver dollar dream? (theme) Alex finally understands that he has the skills needed to break the board. To achieve his dream of getting an orange belt, he first has to believe in himself and his abilities.

Critical-Thinking Question (10 minutes)

  • Near the end of the story, Alex tells Grandpa Nick: “Remember, there’s nothing wrong with a little dream. Have enough of them, and they can turn into something big.” Why does Alex repeat his grandfather’s words from the beginning of the story? (theme) Alex is trying to help his grandfather overcome his fear of falling again by encouraging him to use his cane to take a step. By repeating his grandfather’s words, Alex shows that he’s learned the importance of believing in yourself and your ability to succeed. And that success can begin with one small action.


How a Character Changes

  • Distribute our How a Character Changes Skill Builder. Ask students to complete it in small groups.
  • Discuss the writing assignment in the Think and Write box with students. Students can complete their journal entries in class or as homework.
Differentiate and Customize
For Independent Readers

Ask students to reread the story and look for details that describe Alex’s “silver dollar dream” and what he changed about himself to achieve it. Have students write a short paragraph about their own silver dollar dreams. What steps will they take to achieve them? Students can share their paragraphs in small groups.

For Struggling Readers

Read the story aloud while students follow along in their magazines. Ask them to underline details that describe Alex’s “buried treasure dream” and his “silver dollar dream.” How does Alex feel about his silver dollar dream at the beginning and at the end of the story? Why do you think his feelings change?

For 2nd-Grade Students

Read aloud the first paragraph of  the right column on page 18 with the group. Ask students to identify the adjectives and the noun each modifies. (Sentence 1: orange, belt; Sentence 2: scariest, part; Sentence 4: hard, solid, boards; Sentence 5: numb, fingers)

For Advanced Readers

Ask students to reread the story and look for details that describe Alex and Grandpa Nick’s relationship. Have them write a letter from Grandpa to a friend describing how Alex helped him recover from his fall. Students can share their letters in small groups.

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